Our YouniQ workflow requires you to upload a 3D model. This has numerous of benefits, but in the end, you'll need a 3D design.
What to do when you don't have one? Or missing the software to create one, or just don't know how to get started?
I don't own 3D CAD software?
Are you considering becoming a genuine CAD designer? The best bet is to invest in a desent CAD software package. The amount of software is numberous, so prepare well and make a well considered choice, not all packages are up for the job you want to do.
We are using Siemens NX, in our opinion the most versatile and parametrised package on the market.
Ohter well known packages are: Solidworks, Fusion 360, Invenor, Autocad, Onshape, Google seketchup, Pro/Engineer, Rhino 3D, Solidedge,...

Not interested in spending any amount on software? A true believer in open source? There are some great packages on the web available you can use for free. Probably most common is Google's sketchup, although this is not considered of being a true CAD program. There are some pretty desent packages out there, we have some experience with freeCAD what produces nice modelling and has a large user base and some great tutorials.
Other known packages: FreeCAD, Google Sketchup, BRL-CAD, LibreCAD, OpenSCAD,...
Not really sure if designing with CAD software is your thing? Not sure what package to buy, are just need the software for a once in a lifetime project? Most packages enable you to download a free trial and use is for 30 days or so. What should be sufficient to design your part.
I can't handle CAD software!
That's a pitty, it's great fun!
You're never too old to learn. CAD software has become user friendly over the years and the learning curve is not that steep any more. Easy tutorials are online available that can point you in the right direction.
Do you need a drawing, and you don't want to do it by your own? Ask it to somebody else. You can also hire some freelancer from platforms like freelancer.com or cadcrowd.com. I'm sure they are ready to help you!